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Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am angry

And irritated

And angry

And angry

Very angry

I think my anger is covering up my fear

And my sadness,

I haven’t cried yet.

I haven’t, but I really need to

I want to cry

Without people leaning over me and saying sorry,

I just want to cry.

7 CerebrallyEndowed views:

Blogoratti said...

Hey be easy...keep your head up yea*

shorty said...

Take it easy dear, you wud be fine. *hugs*

Nee Fe Mi said...


iphyigbogurl said...


feel better you hear?

doll (retired blogger) said...

i'l say cry, if it'l make you feel better...i always do..

Myne said...

Cry it out, you can go to a private place if you have to. Hugs from me.

miss.fab said...

The tears will come when they're ready to. Stay angry as long as you need to be.
