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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 2-Something i feel strongly about

I thought about this for a long, long time. Actually I thought about this while i was heating my hot chocolate in the microwave.(It's raining. It's summer. I hate this.)
I can't believe it took me so long to actually think about something I feel strongly about, I mean, I should feel strongly about it, right? 

Anyway, I picked my country. I don't think I have any foreign readers, but in case I do, I'm Nigerian.  And I love my country. So I feel strongly about it. So, here goes. 

Why are there so many bad things associated with Nigeria? why? why?
Robbery, internet scam, power failure, the Jos Crises, bomb blasts, hey we even recently had our first suicide bomber.
I know this happens in other countries, it might not be a big deal in other countries but it is a big deal for me. 

I mean, it's Nigeria. We're only fifty. What the hell is all of this mess? 
when i was little, I wanted to serve in Jos or Kano or just somewhere far away, but do i dare go anywhere near there now? We used to have electricity, that's how we grew up. We used to watch Barney and his friends and wish we were one of them, Superman, Spiderman, Ben 10 and all those kiddy-thingies, but the last time i went home, for a full week, light didn't even blink, once. Even our movie industry. Second largest film producing in the world. But how is the quality? How many Oscars have we won?

I'm not even going to talk about the leadership because I am about as politically inclined as a mouse, but at least I think I know when something's not progressing. 

You know, I love my country. But i'm tired. Really. When did being patriotic become so damn hard? 

I feel really really strongly about this so I am not going to continue, before I have to pretend that there's dust in my eyes when they well up. 

Loving Nigeria is slowly draining me. 

1 CerebrallyEndowed views:

Yen said...

i 'm a foreign reader from the Philippines. i read your blog once in a while.
being patriotic is really a tough thing. I guess bad things never end