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Sunday, February 21, 2010

it's missing

where is my blogging spirit??

anyone seen it around??

i cant find it anywhere.

14 CerebrallyEndowed views:

Anonymous said...

It's not only you.
I have 5 drafts!

Blogoratti said...

Hope you find what you are looking for..all the best,yea*

leggy said...

lol...sometimes you miss it...youll get it back dear.dont worry.

Dekky said...

Mine too.....Sometimes I even forget it is there...I think it's an need a cure...

shorty said...

Na so d thing be o,but you will get it back soon dear :)

Anonymous said...

just looked at this page.
myne gave me that gift too but i said i'd put it up later and i lost it :/

CerebrallyBusy said...

moyo: :(

bloggoratti: thanks :)

leggy: thanks dear

dekky: lool epidemic. classic!

shorry: thanks :D

moyo again: oh you did?? maybe u should ask Myne for another one??

Myne said...

Must be school and life happening. Just take your time.

Myne said...

@Moyo, I'll find the link and get it to you but not htis exact one which is for contributors only.

CerebrallyBusy said...

@Myne must be. Thanks a lot X

Juanita said...

So you lost your spirit? Can i have age, sex, time of disappearance and appearance? hehe just playing with you. You'll find it...hopefully. If not try the lost and found section in blogsville..somewhere. :D

~ said...

Uh, I think I saw it here: :).....seriously, you'll be fine; the greatet writer's ususlly have the greatest blocks ;)

chayomao said...

You are not alone *in the words of the Legendary MJ*
i was on hiatus for like two mnths, tryna find it, but IT came back... gradually getting back to a normal routine. Give it time... plus, maybe switch up ur environment a bit, that may help..

CerebrallyBusy said...

juanita: teehee LOL

@myne: thanks!

@tye: aww you're so sweet :)

@chioma: thanks a lot!!!!!!!