i did say i have been tweeting right?? yep, that not-so-new site is my new addiction...i got so addicted i started RS "restatus''-izing'' on facebook :( ...im prolly the only human alive without a BB... which i want very badly by the way...along with a nu ipod, a customized man utd jersey, a guitar and a nu camera :), but oh, that's by the way.
i got some bad news yesterday...my maternal uncle called me ( i'l bet my skinny lil ass my mom put him up to it) and told me i might not be able to go home next summer. :(
of course i asked why...he told me Ribadu (that police IG) came into the country (he's been wanted for over a year), went for Gani's funeral and went back out, and the inspector general of police did not notice, like he didn't notice at all, and the mumu had the guts to say it out loud in public!
Then Britain issued some statement about not believing our security level...seriously i don't believe it either! how can someone who's been wanted for over a year come in, go for a freakingly eminent funeral (not that gani's funeral was freaking or anything, may his soul RIP) and leave, without anyone knowing? not even the police...the man is either extremely crafty or the security is extremely BAD!
And america also issued another statement about not believing in our democracy...like they told their citizens not to visit the Niger delta or the north! i know its bad, but LOL!
sooo,my point is, he thinks the govt may decide to close the border...like he doesnt mind if they lock me out but he doesnt want me to be locked in. i have toadit i see his point but...i still feel terrible :( the only thing that was keeping me going all this time was the thought of going home in the summer *sob* now, there's nothing! no incentive, no relaxing thought, nothing!
u guys should check that story out!
LOL like seriously?? they want to invoke spirits when their daughter is in the wrong ?? that thunder go backfire, straight!
btw, whatever happened to Soludo?? i thought he was the CBN governor??? was he impeached too??
n.b: there's a stupid fly buzzing round my head! i will commit a murder now!
ok this is where i have to stop, i have another big class tomorrow :)
in case u notice problems with my 'm', its not my fault oh, i donno why it's so stiff...and i didnt proof-read oh.
*what lies in BEHIND us, and what lies AHEAD of us, are tiny matters compared to what lies WITHIN us*
have a fab week people...see u when next i see you.
p.s: the fly is DEAD! *evil laugh*