So yep, i got this from Juiceegal 's blog,(not the picture, the post idea) and i thought it was a very good idea, cos apparently 2009 is fast coming to an end, and i dont know where the hell it went...WHERE DID THE TIME GO??!!!
On friends:
hmmn, 2009...friends...i used to think i had many friends, but a situation that happened early into the year brutally robbed me of those sentiments, so now, i am a girl of very few but very good friends...
My old friends back home...they keep saying i dont keep in touch, how i'm bad and i fashied them...well friendsies, how about YOU keep in touch too??
On faith:
I started this year with a list of resolutions...of which i can only remember very few...no that's a lie, i can only remember one...i didnt really start out the year as a very good christian like that sha, but now, i think i can boldly say that i have grown in the Lord.
On relationships:
yeah...about that. Nada.Zero.Zilch. As in nothing at all. No boyfriends, there were a few toasters ...boring to say the least...dropped them along the way...there is/was this guy i like(d), and im pretty sure he like(d) me too, but he never made a move soo yep.Zilch.
have a feeling friends and relationships should be together...oh well *shrugs*
On addictions:
you know that new year resolution i remembered?? yeah, that's why i remembered it...it's an addiction, its so bad im ashamed to say it out. No one knows except God. Been trying to stop for what??two years now?? its very very very hard fro me to stop. i keep saying i will,but it just never happens. *sigh* well, entering 2010 with a bag full of hope. again. Hopefully i will stop this year.
AHA, twitter i see you. That's another minor addiction...i need to reduce how much i spend on twitter, really.
Well i havent really read that much this year for a medical student...that is going to change. oh it is so going to change. My school work hasnt suffered sha, but i need to know so much more...plus yayy i'm no longer the youngest in he school, there's a 15 year old in town :)
On pimples:
Cheiiii wetin i do for pimples o?? ok maybe they arent as much as that white chic's but they are there, and i am old enough for them to disappear, so #in2010 they are going far far far away to the land of NeverReturn.
On dimples:
i have developed a weakness for dimples, like no matter how ugly you are, as long as u have dimples, you get a free pass, in fact, as soon as i push my babies out, the first thing i will do is make dimples for them before their skin gets hard.
On swear words:
i have done very well in this department...the most extreme swear word i say is hell...i can actually count how many times i said f**k on the fingers of one hand. isnt that great??
on food:
i have been eating rubbish. simple.its no wonder i actually weigh 44kg. Boiled fried potatoes, really?? boiling potatoes in milk, REALLY??!!! rice and peppersoup, SERIOUSLY??!!!
and chocolate cake! GOODNESS!!!! have u ever felt like you're sinning when you're eating somn extremely delicious?? ehen, i feel like that when i eat chocolate cake...
and candies too, gosh i feel sorry for my teeth!
but really though, i eat like once a day, in fact i have gone a whole 28 hours without any food. i am not watching my weight, in fact what weight is there to watch??
on confidence:
i have become a thousand times more confident than i was at the beginning of this year...i have an amazing voice, i can now take a solo in public instead of in my bedroom or bathroom, hey i even rapped in church once :) plus nobody can insult me about my body now or ever. i know i am beautiful (that's not cockiness, its confidence)
on dressing:
i am still a nun lol..i CANNOT wear anything that exposes even little of my boobs...and the shortest skirt i can wear must not be more that 2 inches above my knee...LOL its not that momc will be angry or i'm one holier-than-thou person or anything, i'm just not comfortable in them is all.
The list could go on and on and on, but i'll stop here...
you guys should really do this, it makes you...soulsearch...makes you feel better...
its new year's eve people, the last day of the old year, a lot of things can happen in 1 day...24 hours...1440 minutes...86400 secs...
spend your time wisely.
Toodles people.
yours in soul-searching
The busy brains.